quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011

Conotações - Uma Lição de Inglês por Dia Grátis

'I'm not cheap, I'm thrifty.'

Conotações são um sentimento ou uma ideia de que é sugerido por uma determinada palavra. Elas dão-nos a ligação emocional com as palavras.

As palavras podem ser divididas em conotações "negativas", "positivas" e "neutras".

Vamos ver em algumas palavras que parecem ser semelhantes, mas têm diferenças:

cheap / thrifty
cheap - (negative) a person who hates to spend money.
thrifty - (positive) a person who is very careful with money.

young / youthful / childish
young - (neutral) a person who is of a young age.
youthful - (positive) a person who  may not be young, but has all the good qualities of youth.
childish - (negative) a person who behaves like a child in a negative way.

thin / slim / skinny
thin - (neutral) a body size that is the opposite of 'fat'.
slim - (positive) used to describe an attractive body shape which is 'thin'.
skinny - (negative) to be too thin.

inactive / laid-back / lazy
inactive - (neutral) to do nothing.
laid-back - (positive) to have a relaxed attitude.
lazy - (negative) a person who does not want to work or use effort

timid / prudent / cowardly
timid - (neutral) a person who is nervous and shy.
prudent - (positive) a person who avoids taking risks and is careful.
cowardly - (negative) a person who is too scared to take risks.

proud / confident / conceited
proud - (neutral) to have self-respect.
confident - (positive) to have self-belief in your own abilities.
conceited - (negative) to be too proud in your abilities. To view yourself too highly.

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