quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011

Uma lição de inglês por dia: Verbo Make

Make é um dos verbos mais usados e também dos mais úteis em inglês. Pode ser usado em várias expressões e acções, tal como as que mostramos em baixo. Estas são formas habituais de usar o verbo Make:

make a mess - 'if you make a mess in your room, you will have to clean it your self'.
make time - 'I'm very busy, but i'll try and make time to see you this afternoon.'
make a mistake - 'Clint made a lot of mistakes on his homework and his teacher got  angry.'
make money - 'Being an English teacher is not a good way to make money!'
make plans - 'We need to make some holiday plans before it's too late.'
make dinner - 'What do you want me to make for dinner tonight?'
make a noise - 'Try not to make too much noise, or you will wake the baby.'
make the bed -'Don't forget to make your bed before you go to school.'
make a (telephone) call - 'Hang on. I need to make a quick call.'
make sure/certain - ' Make sure you lock the door when you leave.'
make a decision - 'I want you to make a decision on what we should do this weekend'.
make believe - (to pretend or imagine) 'The kids were making believe they were cowboys and indians.'

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